Dry skin, callosities, corns, and heel fissures. All very common problems that podiatrists see on a daily basis. Many foot problems can be eased, or avoided altogether if we can maintain skin integrity and suppleness.

Feet have a hidden existence for many, tucked away in shoes, with the sole out of sight, they get forgotten. Until they give us a nudge with some form of pain, or a partner suggesting that perhaps its time to have someone take a look at your feet. They have a hard life, carrying our bodies around for 16 hours a day, in hot conditions, cold conditions, sometimes getting wet, and usually confined to a shoe chosen for its appearance.

Looking after feet isn’t difficult, its the obvious things, but they need to be done consistently, just like anything else in this life really. Regular application of a moisturising cream to the feet will benefit the vast majority of the population. What matters more than the brand is just how often you apply it. What matters more than how much you use? How often you apply it.

So, put some at the side of your bed, and commit to applying every morning and night, just a little. I am sure that in 6 weeks most peoples feet will improve in appearance, feel and the risk of corns, callosities and heel fissures will reduce.

So, to answer the original question, do foot creams work? They do when they are applied to the foot, they never work when left in the bottle.

By | 2014-10-13T11:58:32+00:00 October 13th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments