Thickened Nails 2018-01-22T14:51:55+00:00

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Thickened Nails
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Thickened Nails

What are Thickened Nails?

Thickened nails are also known as Onychauxis nails. This is an abnormal thickening of the nail which is quite a common condition. The big toenail is the most commonly affected. Cutting the nail becomes very difficult and pressure from shoes can cause this condition to become painful.

What causes it?

  • A major trauma or repeated pressure from shoes on long nails.
  • Fungal infection of the nails or skin diseases.
  • Poor circulation, particulary in elderly people.

How can we help?

It is essential that thickened nails are managed with routine chiropody treatment. A podiatrist can reduce the thickness of the nails and keep them to a reasonable length.