Verrucae 2018-01-22T14:51:55+00:00

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What areĀ Verrucae?

Verrucae are a common complaint amongst children and adults. A verruca is a small skin lesion which is commonly found on the bottom surface of the foot. The lesion is usually approximately 1cm in diameter but can be larger.

What causes it?

  • All verrucae are caused by the human papilloma virus. This is common in all environments but does not readily attack the skin.
  • If there is a break, scratch or a thorn in the skin, this will give the virus a opportunity to enter the skin.
  • Verrucae are commonly contracted in communal places such as swimming pools, showers and changing areas. This is why children are more at risk of contracting verrucaes in school changing rooms and swimming pools.
  • Excessive moisture or excessive dryness of the skin can lead to small crack in the skin which allows the virus to enter the skin.

How can we help?

You can try remedies available from your pharmacist, be very careful to read the instructions.

The body will recognise the virus at some point and they will resolve, but this can sometimes take years. If they are painful, or are causing distress, the Podiatrists at Davenport House Clinic can help in their treatment by using certain verrucae treatments.

Due to the nature of verrucae there can be no guarantees that a particular treatment will work.