Golfer’s Elbow 2018-01-22T14:51:58+00:00

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Golfer’s Elbow

What is Golfer’s Elbow?

Golfers Elbow’s medical term is Medial Epicondylitis. It is an inflammatory condition of the elbow which is similar to tennis elbow. The inner side of the elbow becomes painful and tender to touch. It is more common in people who play golf; however, some people who get golfers elbow may have never played golf in their life, but over use their elbow doing another activity.

What causes it?

The most common cause of golfer’s elbow is an over use of the muscles attached to the bone at the elbow. If they become strained or over used they then become inflamed, which means they are swollen, painful, and tender to touch.

Sometimes, golfer’s elbow is caused by an injury or bang, to the area, causing inflammation and sometimes muscles may even be torn.

Less commonly, the inflammation occurs without any known cause. It is thought that this could be due to arthritis, whether it is rheumatoid or gout. Golfer’s elbow can also be affected by a problem in the neck, which can cause pain in the elbow through nerves from the neck.

How can we help?

Our physiotherapists here will do different tests in order for them to be able to diagnose your condition.

They will treat your golfers elbow using different treatments including ultrasound and heat therapy, giving you techniques to continue with at home to decrease the pain.