I heard a saying in Paris last week by a French doctor, “feet are far from the head and far from the heart”. This from a man who should know, the inventor of a rather fabulous foot orthotic, and a man who has spent many decades treating peoples problems.

It is commonly accepted that we can derive massive health benefits from adding in a 20 minute walk every day. It sounds easy, but for many its a challenge because of foot pain. The simple corn can cause excruciating pain when walking, and be the reason many people decide not to do that extra 20 minutes. Would it be ignored to the same degree if the corn was on a hand? Tucked away in shoes, our feet are out of sight and out of mind

As a species, we are upright ambulators, dependent on our feet to propulse us forwards in search of food, shelter and warmth. We need to walk, it has so many proven benefits. Make sure your feet are in the best possible shape to do the job for you, and if you have foot pain, do not ignore it.

Bring your feet a little closer to your heart, they’ll thank you for it.

By | 2015-01-23T09:10:50+00:00 January 23rd, 2015|Blog|0 Comments