As blisters are a result of friction there are a number of simple techniques that can prevent your walking, running or social activity being ruined by a blister:

  • Wear comfortable, good-fitting footwear especially on long walks or runs.
  • Wear good walking socks in the right size, look for ones made of fibres with good ‘wicking’ properties. Try wearing socks inside out to prevent the seams rubbing. Change your socks daily too.
  • Some walkers and runners wear special ‘dual layer’ socks. The inner layer moves with the foot, the outer with the shoe – eliminating friction at the skin surface. Ensure you change to a fresh pair after they become damp.
  • Keep your toenails trimmed.
  • If your feet get very sweaty there are products that can help control excessive moisture. Your Podiatrist can tell you about these.
  • Keep feet as dry as possible. Wet shoes, boots and socks will cause blisters far quicker than dry ones.
  • Remove any foreign bodies from your socks and boots.
  • Ensure that the tongue and laces of your boots are arranged correctly and evenly.
  • Check your feet carefully and regularly for any sign of rubbing and tenderness.

Some runners commonly tape their blister-prone toes or heels prior to a run to prevent blisters.

If you feel a blister developing act immediately, stop walking, take your shoes and socks off and examine your feet. Consider applying some material cushioning or padding, or a breathable waterproof plaster.

If a blister has developed it will normally clear up within three to seven days if further excessive friction is avoided. If a blister does not occur, DO NOT POP IT! Cut a hole in a piece of foam or felt, forming a ‘doughnut’ over the blister. Tape the foam or felt in place or cover with a soft gel-type dressing. Treat an open blister with an anti-septic ointment and protective soft gel dressing to prevent infection and speed up the healing process.

Blisters are very common and occur through repeated rubbing of shoes and socks and excessive moisture between the foot and the sock. If you repeatedly suffer from blisters, look at the way your shoes are fitting. A Podiatrist can explain how to reduce the risk of foot blisters, advise on their treatment and check that the rest of your feet are in good condition. Podiatrists can also provide expert advice on the use of insoles (also known as orthotics) and other appliances to keep your feet healthy and comfortable. If you think that your blister may have got infected it is very important to seek medical attention as soon as possible as you may need anti-biotics.

Blisters can also be caused by foot deformities, and can be of concern to those with existing conditions such as Diabetes. If you do have diabetes it is very important to get your feet checked regularly by a Podiatrist.

By | 2018-01-22T14:51:49+00:00 January 20th, 2012|Blog|0 Comments