
What do our feet do? Why are our feet such complex structures, so many bones, muscles and ligaments?

Foot Balancing

 It all comes down to balance. Its a tough ask to get a structure the size and weight of a human to balance on something the size of feet, let alone move without falling over, just ask any engineer. It has taken years of the finest engineering minds and enormous corporate budgets to make clumsy robots that fall on rough ground.

 Our feet are a wonder, in their ability to hold us up on pretty much any terrain, and allow us to run walk or dance if we choose, they are the pivotal point in the art of balance which we practice from before we are 1. The motion of walking is a reflex action, coded into our dna to allow us to move about this earth, engaging these complex structures we call our feet.

 So, these works of engineering wonder, the pivotal point to our balance and ability to move around this earth, how do we treat them? Is it balanced, do we treat them according to their worth, or do we tuck them into uncomfortable shoes and complain when they complain at us?

 Most old sayings are old and still around because their is a great deal of truth in them. Follow the old adage and look after your feet. What are they worth to you? What is the ability to balance, to walk, to run worth to you?

 Our podiatrists at Davenport House Clinic are passionate about foot health, if you need any advice please do not hesitate to get in touch.

By | 2018-01-22T14:51:41+00:00 August 6th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments