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28 09, 2014

How to be Healthy Without Trying

By | 2018-01-22T14:51:41+00:00 September 28th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments

How to be Healthy without trying It’s fair to say that healthy drives, faddy diets and fitness crazes are a recent development for humanity. Their recency also correlates with our obesity epidemic, and spiralling rates of diabetes throughout the modern world. Clearly something isn’t working. Modern life is alien to us as a species. We haven’t had the time required to adapt to the enormous changes we have made to our everyday environment and diets. Driving cars, less walking, sitting at desks, not lifting heavy things, eating processed food, the list is endless. Our strategies in the pursuit of health [...]

25 09, 2014

Do I need Nail Surgery?

By | 2014-09-22T09:59:28+00:00 September 25th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments

Ingrown toenails are miserable! They can be incredibly painful, smelly, limit shoe choice and stop you from walking. All too often people hope that their ingrown toenails will resolve of their own accord, or that a course of antibiotics will clear up the problem. At Davenport House Clinic we have been treating the ingrown toenails of Tameside care and compassion for years. We understand that people have a fear of minor surgeries, but nail surgery is a permanent cure for the misery of ingrown toenails. Ingrown toenails happen when the nail breaks the skin at the side of the nail. [...]

21 09, 2014

How Can I Cure My Heel Pain Fast? The Pain of Plantar Fasciitis.

By | 2018-01-22T14:51:41+00:00 September 21st, 2014|Blog|0 Comments

How Can I Cure My Heel Pain Fast? The Pain of Plantar Fasciitis. What is Plantar Fasciitis? Heel pain is a common problem that affects people at any stage of their life, but it is more common in our middle age. It can be very restricting, and last for extended periods of time for some people. The plantar fascia attaches to the heel bone, and it can become very painful at this site. The condition is more common in active people, runners, and those who stand on flat hard floors for extended periods of time.   Diagnosis Commonly heel pain [...]

18 09, 2014

Tameside Big Toddle 2014

By | 2018-01-22T14:51:41+00:00 September 18th, 2014|Big Toddle, Blog|0 Comments

The toddlers of Tameside have hit the headlines once again by taking part in the 2014 Tameside Big Toddle to raise vital funds for Barnado’s. The Big Toddle is the UK’s biggest fundraising event for the under 5’s and this was the third time the event has taken place in Tameside. The money raised for Barnado’s helps disadvantaged and vulnerable children under the age of five across the UK. Sponsor money is still coming in and we hope to exceed last year’s total. Barnado’s are very impressed with the fundraising that our toddlers have done and would like to visit the clinic [...]

11 09, 2014

Beware, Injured Runner

By | 2014-09-19T16:51:20+00:00 September 11th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments

Are you a runner? Partner of a runner, child or parent of a runner? Workmate of a runner? If you are any of these doubtless you have lived through the experience of being around a runner who is being prevented from running. Working with injured runners as a health professional can also bring its challenges, as the mindset of a runner can be quite different… To a non runner, the very idea of pounding pavements for hours on end in driving rain, winds, freezing temperatures and darkness sounds ridiculous. However, more and more people are taking to the roads, and [...]

9 09, 2014

Verruca, to treat or not to treat?

By | 2014-09-19T16:51:20+00:00 September 9th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments

Its that time of year again when we see an increase in the number of verrucae coming through our clinic doors. Is it because of swimming pools on holiday, more sports over the summer, or the lack of socks in warmer weather? We aren’t sure, but we often see peoples anxiety over these pesky warts. Verrucae are warts, on the foot, and are caused by a virus. People have mixed reactions to them, but usually they are quite motivated to get rid of them, especially if they are causing them pain. Verrucae come in many shapes and sizes, and can [...]

3 09, 2014

How do Orthotics work?

By | 2014-09-19T16:51:21+00:00 September 3rd, 2014|Blog|0 Comments

We know that orthotics work for pain related to disorders of the foot in 70 to 80 percent of cases. There has been numerous studies which always arrive at this percentage of successful interventions for orthotics, which in the world of evidence based medicine is a very good success rate, and high enough for podiatrists to prescribe devices with confidence that they have a good chance of reducing their patient’s pain. How do they work? There has been a number of theories and paradigms over the years, and the reality is that we are still not exactly sure how they [...]

26 08, 2014

Why do we get injured?

By | 2014-09-19T16:51:21+00:00 August 26th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments

In a word, change. Change is what causes injuries. As healthcare professionals we always try to ascertain the mechanism of injury, what movement caused the injury. This can be anything from a football tackle, to lifting a toddler or a sneeze (more common than you may think). These are sudden changes, when the forces acting on the tissues in the body have a sudden increase in their size or the forces are applied in a different direction. A sudden change has been introduced, and as such an injury has occurred. Of course, change doesn’t have to be sudden. The straw [...]

19 08, 2014

Receptionist Job (Stalybridge)

By | 2018-01-22T14:51:41+00:00 August 19th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments

Receptionist Job (Stalybridge) Can you deliver a smile to rival a GMTV presenter? Are you professional, flexible and love being at the centre of a team? A receptionist job vacancy has arisen in Stalybridge Davenport House Clinic are looking to add to our reception team. The role is very busy, being demanding and rewarding in equal measure. You will be the welcoming smile of an outstanding private healthcare clinic, and provide admin support to the team. We work weekends and evenings, and are a small family run business. We will develop your skills in customer care and IT. [...]