Tips to avoid Back Pain

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Truth be told, we would all like to avoid back pain as it can prevent us from enjoying everyday activities. Here are a few tips on how to avoid back pain:

Improve your posture

I’m sure when you were younger you were told to sit up straight or stand up straight by an elder and I’m also sure that you’ll have taken absolutely no notice! Well, now is the time to listen to this advice and take action. Poor posture is often the cause of back pain and by improving our posture we can avoid and even relieve back pain. When standing ensure that your feet are slightly apart. Keep your knees straight and keep your shoulders back. Ideally, your knees, hips, ankles and ears should be in a straight line. Have a look in the mirror and look at the way you stand.

Try to also sit up straight. Many of us slouch at our desks or on the sofa but the key to good posture is making sure that your back is straight. When sitting down, make sure that your feet are resting flat on the floor and that your lower back is supported by the back of the chair.

Check your mattress

Choosing a mattress is not an easy job! There are so many different types of mattress available but what do we need to look for?

Firstly, whilst you are asleep you need to make sure that your neck and back are fully supported. A pillow that is too high or a mattress that is too soft can upset the alignment of your spine. A good mattress will allow you to sleep in a neutral position. Your muscles will be relaxed and you will enjoy a lengthy sleep. If you find that you wake up with back pain or wake more tired than when you went to sleep it may be time to invest in a new mattress. If you have constant back pain it may be worth discussing which type of mattress you need with a health practitioner.

Lose weight

If your weight is causing excessive pressure to your spine, weight loss can reduce your discomfort. Losing weight will make you feel better in yourself as well as reducing your back pain. If you struggle to lose weight or are severely overweight make an appointment to see your doctor. Your doctor will be able to advise an appropriate healthy eating plan and give tips on how to incorporate exercise into your day.


The best way to deal with back pain is to stay active and continue / start doing regular exercise. You can do any activity which gives the whole body a workout such as yoga, pilates or swimming. A physiotherapist can help you with exercises to prevent and reduce back pain.

Start small by walking to the shop instead of taking the car, getting off the bus one stop earlier than normal or gardening. Your back pain will not only feel much better but you’ll find that you have more energy and lead a much healthier lifestyle. Regular exercise can also lead to weight loss which could have been contributing to your back pain.

If you are in pain, STOP

Listen to your body. Pain is not natural in the human body – it is our body’s way of telling us that something isn’t quite right. If you are doing a particular exercise or lifting an object and pain strikes, stop what you are doing and rest or stop the activity altogether.

If the pain is constant or remains you need to make an appointment with your doctor or a Physiotherapist to make sure that you haven’t done any serious damage. There is always something that can be done about back pain, but it requires the patient to speak up and not suffer in silence.

There is more to life than back pain, whether it’s a small niggle or severe pain there is no need to suffer in silence. Physiotherapists use a range of treatment options to treat back pain. They include acupuncture, massage and mobilisation. Home exercises are usually given so that you are able to continue your treatment at home between sessions and after being discharged.

By | 2014-09-30T09:07:52+00:00 November 5th, 2013|Blog|0 Comments